Class 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Gastall

Welcome to Class 3. 

We hope that you enjoy looking at the wonderful things that we do and learn whilst we are in Years 3 and 4. 

Please look at our curriculum overview for this year which is above. Remember, you can also look at Class 3  Learning Adventures on this website to find out all that we will be learning this half term.  

A few important things to know: 

  • Children are to come in PE Kits on both Mondays and Tuesdays. 
  • On Tuesdays, Year 4 will be going swimming this term so they need to bring their swimming kits. 
  • Please remind your child to bring in their reading wallet everyday and to put their home reading book at the front of the class if they need their book changing. 
  • Children can bring their library books in on Wednesdays to visit the library and change their book. 
  • Reading for pleasure books can be brought in any day of the week and your child can change it for a book of their own choice from our shelves in the classroom. 
  • Spellings and Times tables will be set each Thursday for children to practise them daily for a short time on Spelling Shed and TTRockstars. Spelling and Times tables tests will be on the following Thursday. 
  • A short piece of homework is sent home each Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday. This is to consolidate the learning that your child does in class. 
  • Please encourage your child to complete an assignment weekly on Read Theory ( they can read more if they want to). 

To find out more about our learning, head over to our Learning Adventure page by clicking on the picture below. 



Thank you 

Mrs Gastall, Mrs Brodie & Mrs Thompson 




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Class 3: News items

Pajama Day!, by Mr Saville

Remembrance Assembly 2023, by Mr Saville

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Hapton C of E/Methodist Primary School Manchester Road, Hapton, Burnley, BB12 5RF